Customs No Longer Validates EUR.1 and EUR-MED Certificates for Amounts Under €6,000
The Belgian customs authorities have recently informed us that they will no longer validate EUR.1 and EUR-MED certificates for shipments with a value below €6,000. These certificates are simply not required for such shipments! An original declaration of origin on the invoice is sufficient.
A Quick Reminder
The EUR.1 and EUR-MED certificates prove that goods exported to a partner country (i.e., a country with a free trade agreement with the EU) are of preferential origin. These certificates grant reduced or zero import duties in those countries. They are issued and validated by Customs.
Since the introduction of the EUR.1 certificate in 1997, there has never been an obligation to use it for export shipments under €6,000 (this also applies to EUR-MED certificates). This policy was designed to reduce administrative burdens for small export transactions, as the risk of misuse is minimal. As a result, Customs can focus its resources on transactions with a higher risk of fraud.
However, some exporters still apply for certificates for shipments below €6,000, even though it is unnecessary. This creates unnecessary workload for Customs. To address this, Customs has decided to stop issuing certificates for these shipments.
What Does This Mean for You?
This is not a decision made by Transuniverse but by Customs itself. For transactions under €6,000, a declaration of origin is sufficient. This is a simple text that you place on the invoice, including an original signature, date, and name.
Additionally, this policy benefits you as an exporter by saving costs: Customs charges €20 to validate an EUR.1 certificate, while using a declaration of origin is free of charge.