Transuniverse mobilizes for victims of extreme weather in Valencia
After the devastating floods in the Valencia region, many people lost everything they had. In response, Transuniverse launched a collection campaign to provide emergency assistance. Since then, a fully loaded truck has delivered the collected supplies to those in need.
When news broke in late October about the severity of the situation in Valencia, we immediately reached out to our local partners to determine the best way to help. Conscient of our capacity to contribute, the entire Transuniverse team felt it was our duty to organize a relief effort. With our expertise and resources, we were well-positioned to transport aid to Valencia.
We sent out emails to our business contacts and launched a social media campaign. The response was impressive: soon we had gathered enough relief supplies to fill a truck. Donations included mattresses, blankets, cleaning supplies, canned food, and hygiene kits.
Shortly after, our driver Teo – who regularly drives to Valencia – departed for Castellón de la Plana, one of the hardest-hit areas. A significant portion of the donations was distributed through the Red Cross, while the rest went directly to neighbourhoods where many residents had lost everything.
Our campaign even gained media attention from the regional channel AVS, which covered the story. You can watch the report here.
Transuniverse would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the numerous individual donators and the following companies for their generous contributions: